Do Bundle: 5 Guides

Total Value: US$60

Your Price: US$27
Never feel helpless again, when your child:
Melts down in public
Cries at drop-off
Refuses to say “thank you”
Refuses to leave the playground
Keeps shouting

Each PDF has 3 actionable tips you can apply immediately
Read each PDF in 5 minutes or less

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5 additional Guides on:
How to explain Respectful Parenting to skeptics
How to respond to unsolicited parenting advice
Kelly's favourite children’s picture books
Kelly's favourite parenting books (not typical ones!)
Kelly's top 15 mantras

Click here to buy the "Learn" Bundle separately at US$27

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Do Bundle: 5 Guides

Total Value: US$60

Your Price: US$27
Never feel helpless again, when your child:
Melts down in public
Cries at drop-off 
Refuses to say “thank you”
 Refuses to leave the playground
Keeps shouting

Each PDF has 3 actionable tips you can apply immediately
Read each PDF in 5 minutes or less

Why Asian families Love Juicy Parenting

  • Total payment
  • 1xDo Bundle$27
  • Learn Bundle$12

All prices in USD
